Thursday, March 14, 2013

Survivor Girl

You will all be glad to know that I survived the last two days of house/pet-sitting. Those last two days were accomplished behind *truly* locked doors and with marginally*  improved slumber. Rarely have I been more relieved to have done with something. The most extraordinary happenstance during those last two days of terror was my locking the cats out of the bedroom, furniture and expensive vases be-damned. Oh, the lengths one will go to when laboring under the primitive need for sleep! Besides, my full-time employers were beginning to wonder why they were paying a zombie to watch their child for ten hours a day, and my body was sending me hate mail under the guise of narcoleptic shut-downs.

* Think: Multiple sessions of two-hour sleep increments, instead of just a single one!

Last night was the first night back in my own bed, and oh - what bliss! I passed out cold and awoke this morning much refreshed (though a few more nights of quality sleep will be necessary to blot out the painful remembrances of yore.) It will be a long time before I accept any more house sitting jobs.*

*As I unequivocally declare this, it occurs to me that Providence is most likely laughing and handing out my number to every house-sitter-needing-home-owner within a 50-mile radius. Haha, funny.


In other news, WE HAVE A NEW POPE, PEOPLE!!! His Holiness Pope Francis (formerly Cardinal Jorge Bergolio) seems to have been a surprise choice to those who were keeping score before the conclave; then again I never will understand how people can have specific expectations about the outcome of this Spirit-led process - as if we could predict such things! Did you notice how it just drove the media stark raving crazy? - Emphasis on the raving. I had to forsake both MSNBC and CNN for their poor - deliberately poor - choice of commentators and interviewees. So pouty, media! Grow up. I finally settled upon EWTN (a vast improvement, albeit still lacking IMHO). But no one is perfect. This was the first time I have seen the white smoke live, as well as received the Papal blessing live. Such a beautiful experience!

I pray to God to bless our new Pope Francis, per his humble request. Thy will be completely and beautifully accomplished in him and in us, Father!

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